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Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party Expands Presence in U.S. - ADL Blogs


Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party Expands Presence in U.S. - ADL Blogs:Golden Dawn’s New York Divi­sion appears to be the most active chap­ter and the only one in the U.S. that posts mate­r­ial on its blog in Eng­lish. A sec­tion of the blog asks sym­pa­thiz­ers to donate food and gift cards to help “Greek babies.”
The chap­ter has also posted arti­cles attack­ing Jews, includ­ing one on Octo­ber 10 about the rela­tion­ship between Greece and Israel. The arti­cle claims that “Jews were so com­fort­able in recent decades with the cor­rupt polit­i­cal sys­tem and it served their inter­ests per­fectly. Now they have begun to trem­ble in fear because of the rapid rise of Golden Dawn.” The arti­cle ref­er­ences ear­lier pieces that accuse “Amer­i­can Zion­ists” of exploit­ing Greece and its energy sources.

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Dispatch: Aboriginal Press Media Group  |   Permalink  |   [12.10.13]  |   0 comments


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