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Bahraini Rights Critic Imprisoned for Yemen Tweets | Human Rights Watch


Bahraini Rights Critic Imprisoned for Yemen Tweets | Human Rights Watch: Meanwhile, in Bahrain –Saudi Arabia’s neighbor and part of the coalition bombing Yemen – a court on Wednesday postponed the trial of the country’s preeminent human rights defender, Nabeel Rajab. This was at least the 16th delay. Rajab has been in jail since June 2016 and faces up to 18 years in prison for speech crimes, in his case tweets and media comments critical of his government.

Rajab’s “offenses” include a March 26, 2015 tweet – the day the Saudi-led coalition began bombing Yemen – asserting that “wars bring hatred, destruction, and horrors,” along with graphic images purporting to portray the results of the bombing.

Since then, the horrors in Yemen have only mounted. The UN reported in late September that it had verified the deaths of at least 5,159 civilians, with 8,761 wounded, adding that “[t]he actual numbers are likely to be far higher.” Airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition continue to be the “leading cause of civilian casualties, including of children,” according to the UN. Additionally, some 7 million people are on the brink of famine thanks in large part to the coalition’s blockade and restrictions on fuel and food imports.

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