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Somaliland journalist detained on false news accusation - Committee to Protect Journalists


Somaliland journalist detained on false news accusation - Committee to Protect Journalists: Guleid told CPJ that according to court documents Mohamed is accused of false news and instigating the public to disobey the law. Publishing false news carries a prison sentence of six months or a fine of up to 3 million Somaliland shillings (US$5,146), and instigating the public to disobey the law carries a sentence of up to five years, according to Somaliland's penal code.

Mohamed's arrest is linked to articles in which he allegedly accused Noradin, a group of private schools, of mismanagement and misconduct, Guleid and Yahye told CPJ. According to a report in All East Africa, Mohamed alleged in reports published on several news websites, including Gabiley Media, that teachers accepted bribes from students. Several links to the articles have since been removed, according to Guleid and Mahad Ibrahim Mohamed, managing director of Noradin Schools. The articles did not appear on Horseed News, the website's owner, Abdikarim Saed Salah, told CPJ.

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