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UN Human Rights Council condemns death penalty for blasphemy, apostasy and homosexuality: The UN Human Rights Council has passed a resolution calling for an end to the death penalty for those accused of blasphemy, apostasy, having same-sex relationships or adultery. The resolution is the first of its kind in the UN and requires states that have not yet abolished the death penalty to ensure that it is not imposed as a sanction for these crimes. Humanists UK welcomes this resolution and hopes that this international pressure will contribute to states choosing to remove these laws from their statute books altogether.

The resolution passed 27 in favour, 13 against with 7 states choosing to abstain. The resolution followed a report by UN Secretary General on the Death Penalty ahead of the 36th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The report focused on groups, such as the non-religious and the LGBT community, that face disproportionate discrimination under these laws. The report stated that these laws create an enabling environment for violence and stigma.

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