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WHO boosts response in Madagascar following 24 deaths from plague outbreak | CGTN Africa - Strengthening news coverage in Africa


WHO boosts response in Madagascar following 24 deaths from plague outbreak | CGTN Africa - Strengthening news coverage in Africa: [Samuel Kisambe]

In a televised address on Saturday, Prime Minister Olivier Mahafaly Solonandrasana said no public meetings or demonstrations would be allowed in the capital Antananarivo, which has seen six deaths in recent days.

“At airports and bus stations, measures will be taken for passengers to avoid panic and to control the disease,” he added after an emergency meeting with the UN health agency.

Madagascar has suffered plague outbreaks almost every year since 1980, often sparked by rats fleeing forest fires.

The current outbreak was unusual as it had affected large urban areas, increasing the risk of transmission, the WHO warned.

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