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AFed Trans Action Faction* statement in response to events at London Anarchist Bookfair 2017


AFed Trans Action Faction* statement in response to events at London Anarchist Bookfair 2017:

Context of the statement:


There were anti-trans leaflets put in the toilets at the London
Anarchist Bookfair (the leaflets were quickly removed). There was also a
small group of people who started handing out similar leaflets at the
entrance. The leaflets claimed the very existence of trans people was a
threat to women and girls. We reject this claim, it has no basis in
reality and instead scapegoats trans people, who are already at a high
risk of violence and oppression.

The leafleters were confronted by a large group and told to stop
leafleting/leave. Whilst the leafleting did stop, some of those that had
leapt to the defence of the leafleters continued the confrontation long

“The anti-trans literature that was being handed out and posted in
toilets, and the actions of all those who enabled this, was unacceptable
and has no more place at an anarchist bookfair (or, indeed, in society
generally) than sexism or homophobia.

We call on the bookfair collective to implement a policy that
specifically excludes anti-trans stalls and literature, as well as
ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all oppressed people at the

This is in no way an issue of free speech. If the anarchist bookfair
invited everybody we disagree with to speak, there would be no room for
anarchism. Part of anarchist politics is being specific about what
behaviour we do and don’t consider to have a place in an anarchist
society. ”

– Statement from the  AFed Trans Action Faction (*in formation)

Read the full article … 

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