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#Europe // Czech Towns Mull Drastic Move Against ‘Maladjusted’ Poor


I CARE - - News - Internet Centre Anti Racism Europe:

# “Socially excluded localities,” or what the Czech media often call ghettoes, are home to large numbers of Roma, who often face discrimination in the normal housing market.
# A law on social housing put forward by the outgoing Social Democratic government has made little headway in parliament, as both coalition members and the opposition argue over how many people should be eligible, Czech Television reported last month.
# The leader of the party expected to form the next government after October’s elections, Andrej Babis, has said cities and towns should be able to form their own social housing policies without interference from the central government.
# A rehousing project for low-income families in Brno has won an award from the European Federation of National Organizations Working with the Homeless (FEANTSA). Almost all the 16 families chosen for the project were rehoused in permanent, inexpensive dwellings, Brno Daily reported.
# The government has set a target date of 2020 to move more than 6,000 families from asylums and hostels to better housing, and pledged that from 2020, no child will have to stay more than a month in temporary hostel accommodation.

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