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Nightslantern Suppressed News // November 2, 2017 #Ukraine #Renca #DRC #Myanmar #Bangladesh #Quebec # Israel #Burundi

Nightslantern Suppressed News 2017
Ukraine: on the night of Saturday Oct. 14th, an estimated twenty thousand right-wing nationalists marched through Kiev with torches and banners in tribute to Stepan Bandera and other "heroes" of the Ukraine's heritage who ardently served the Third Reich. According to the AP Bandera collaborated with the Nazi's when it suited him and from 1942 to 1944 his group encouraged the destruction of Poles and Jews. Contemporary Bandera nationalists are staging periodic marches organized by Svoboda (the nationalist party) among others. In Canada which supports the Ukraine's government (see 1 and 2) the Russian embassy recently questioned two monuments to Ukraine's Nazi collaborators, one monument in Oakville and another in Edmonton. Anti-Russian sentiment among Ukrainians and emigrants is often traced to 1929 when Ukraine as part of the Soviet Union lost 1.5 million farmers who refused collectivization, and to the great famine (Holodomor) of 1932-3 when all means of sustenance were stripped from the Ukraine's countryside to feed the collectives of other Soviets. See previous. Night's Lantern currently has a genocide warning for the Jewish Community of the Ukraine.     Partial sources online: "Thousands march to honor Nazi collaborator in Kiev," Nataliya Vasilyeva AP, Jan.2, 2014, The Times of Israel; "Thousands in Nationalist march in Ukraine," Euronews, Oct. 14, 2017, Euronews; "20,000 Nazis March in Kiev. The Western Media Somehow Fails to Notice," Bryan Macdonald, Oct. 17, 2017, Global Research; "Why deny the Ukrainian Nazi connection?" David Pugliesi, Oct. 27, 2019, Ottawa Citizen.

      Democratic Republic of Congo: during a visit October 27th U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, stated elections had to be held before the end of 2018. She addressed the media with the head of the Congo's electoral commission (CENI); it isn't clear where her authority to give such an order comes from. Ms. Haley was formerly governor of South Carolina. The country wide elections should already have been held and foreign countries who have pledged the remaining 94% of CENI's operating costs should have paid if there were a sincere wish to accelerate the process of voting. The delay has caused ongoing violence in catastrophes acceptable to the Western world. In the Greater Kasai region 3.2 million people risk starvation due to displacement by rebel versus government forces; the UN World Food Programme director is pleading for aid... Previous 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 etc.. Ongoing genocide warning for the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.     Partial sources online: "U.S. says Congo must hold long-delayed election by end of 2018," Michelle Nichols, Oct.27. 2017, Reuters TV; "Millions of displaced Congolese face starvation, UN food agency says," Oct. 29, 2017, CBC News.

      Myanmar: CNN has run an opinion piece concluding that Myanmar's treatment of the Rohingya constitutes a genocide. See Night's Lantern genocide warnings for Myanmar.     Partial sources online: "There's only one conclusion on the Rohingya in Myanmar: It's genocide," Azeem Ibrahim, October 23, 2017, CNN US edition. -- by J.B.Gerald, Gerald and Maas Night’s Lantern

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