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SF Nov 4 It begins: The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!


URGENT MESSAGE FROM REFUSE FASCISM BAY AREA! Please read and join us for a PRESS CONFERENCE TOMORROW 10/31, 1PM on the steps of San Francisco City Hall.
_______________________________ has called for a mass outpouring to begin on Nov. 4, launching a movement to drive out a fascist regime that is putting the whole world in peril. The City of San Francisco has denied a permit for the assembly at Union Square for the mass non-violent protest demanding: “This Nightmare Must End—The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!”
At a time when the fascist Trump/Pence regime represents horrors for humnity, and unleashed “alt-right” fascist thugs against righteous opposition to the regime, it is unacceptable for the city of San Francisco to deny this permit.
Call and write SF Parks and Rec and the Mayor to demand a permit be issued!
On Nov. 4 it begins... a nationwide movement of protests that continue, day after day, growing from thousands to millions, determined to not stop until the Trump/Pence regime is gone. is a movement of people coming from diverse perspectives, united in our recognition that the Trump/Pence regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity and the planet and that it is our responsibility to drive them from power through non-violent protests that grow everyday until our demand is met: This Nightmare Must End—The Trump/Pence Regime Must GO!”
Outrageously, authorities in San Francisco are blocking the rally permit that Refuse Fascism filed for Union Square on Nov. 4. San Francisco Parks and Rec is claiming that Union Square will be too crowded. It is an essential right for the people to rally in the public square, surrounded and joined by the people that need to hear this urgent message. Join us in demanding that the city issue a permit.
While the San Francisco Board of Supervisors is considering a resolution calling for the impeachment of Trump, it is unacceptable for the city to suppress righteous political protest against this regime. The denial or obstruction of permits not only interferes with the right of the people to protest, it also reinforces the lies and scare-tactics of the "alt-right who have spread disinformation about Nov. 4 and threatened violence," further endangering protesters. will not be deterred by fascist attacks or illegitimate bureaucratic roadblocks. Thousands of people have already heard that Nov. 4 will begin at Union Square at 3pm. There are many ways that the city could accommodate this plan and facilitate our presence in Union Square – it is completely unacceptable for the city to attempt to force the demonstration on Nov. 4 into places which are out of sight of the pulse of the city.
Call, email, and tweet at SF officials and demand we get a permit for Union Square:
-Phil Ginsberg, General Manager of SF Parks and Rec Department: (415) 831-2700, Tweet @RecParkSF
-Mayor Ed Lee 415-554-6141, Tweet @mayoredlee
Please cc Refuse Fascism Bay Area with any messages you send out:
Tag us @SFRefuseFascism
Call 510-253-5551

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