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Spanish state coup seizes Catalonia, charges leaders with ‘rebellion’ – Workers World


Spanish state coup seizes Catalonia, charges leaders with ‘rebellion’ – Workers World: Oct. 31 — This morning Carles Puigdemont, the president of Catalonia who was deposed by the force of the Spanish state, announced from Brussels that he and the six Catalan government members with him would not ask for asylum in Belgium. Instead, he told the media they came for a little quiet space to “contribute to the internationalization of the process” in Catalonia. (El Peri�dico, Oct. 31)

A flurry of moves and countermoves between the repressive Spanish state and the defiant Catalan government led to this situation today. The regime in Madrid is beginning to seize the administration, police and public media from the regional government in what some have called a coup d’�tat. It has also declared new elections in the region on Dec. 21.

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