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#Nightslantern Suppressed News // the evictions of #Roma in #France continue


Gerald and Maas 2018 Suppressed News
      Europe: founded in France, The European Grassroots Antiracist Movement - EGAM, has successfully aided in closing a pig farm located at the site of the Lety Nazi concentration camp in the Czech Republic (previous). Primarily Roma and Sinto people died there in 1942 and 43. The Times of Israel says 90% of the Czech Roma were murdered during the Nazi occupation. To close the pig farm the centre-left Czech government bought the farm from AGPI agricultural firm for 18 million euros. On January 26, 2018 an agreement was signed with representatives of the Czech government and the Museum of Roma Culture at Brno, to clear the pig farm site, restore the dignity of place and build a memorial to the concentration camp victims. With lessons from the mobilization of Roma and concerned Europeans to do something about Lety and to counter Europe's history of oppressing Roma peoples EGAM launched on January 27th the European Foundation for the Memory of the Genocide against the Roma. Its primary purpose will be to research and preserve the facts of the attempts to exterminate the Roma, as well as gain reparations and support for the Roma's fight against racism throughout Europe. EGAM has been protesting anti Roma Sentiment since 2010, as the political use and renewal of prejudice against Roma took root throughout Europe. France and Europe owe Benjamin Abtan, the founder and President of EGAM, thanks for reminding people of the decency in European traditions. France has been evicting Roma people onto the streets and bulldozing their communities since Sarkhozy's presidency. The policy of evicting and 'expatriating' Roms was pursued enthusiastically by socialist François Hollande's Minister of the Interior and Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. Despite an attempt under French law to assure that the evicted were provided with alternative lodgings, they usually weren't. The destruction of Roma encampments continued throughout France, despite warnings from the European Union, and without regard for the human rights of the victims. France's impunity and Europe's silence is reflected in the recent report by the European Roma Rights Centre which notes an increase of 12% from 2016, to 11,309 Roma evicted by French authorities in 2017, with 8161 forcibly evicted. These are entire families thrown into the winter streets. A legislative attempt to discourage throwing out Roma families in winter only encouraged evictions by authorities in these harshest months. Under current President Emmanuel Macron the evictions have increased. France's continuing and merciless eviction of Roma peoples, destruction of communities, harm to educational opportunities for Rom children, substandard housing for a people, unsanitary water, enforced poverty, and inability to respect the human rights of Roma people, continue a current genocide warning Night's Lantern first noted in 2010. A sample of discrimination as a norm, published in the 2017 ERRC report: “Thousands of children cannot go to school this year” says the Collectif pour le droit des enfants roms à l'éducation (CDERE) in a press release published on 1 September. Recent research conducted by CDERE showed that Romani children are denied access to schooling by a combination of repeated forced evictions, the refusal of mayors to permit school enrolment, and a lack of housing. The organisation calls on the Ministry of Education to take measures to stop this “unworthy, shameful and contrary to human rights situation”..     Partial sources online: "Pour la création d’une Fondation européenne pour la mémoire du génocide contre les Roms !" EGAM, Jan.27, 2018, European Grassroots Antiracist Movement email; "Dignité pour Lety!" EGAM, Feb. 5, 2018, European Grassroots Antiracist Movementemail; "Czech Republic buys pig farm at former Nazi camp to shutter it," AFP, Nov. 23, 2017, Times of Israel; "Equality Law Fails, Roma Evictions Increase in France," Press release, Feb. 6, 2018, ERRC / European Roma Rights Centre; "Census of forced evictions in living areas occupied by Roma (or people designated as such) in France: Annual results for 2017," ERRC.
-J.B.Gerald, Gerald and Maas Night’s Lantern

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