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Wladimir van Wilgenburg // 'We are not afraid of Turkey': Manbij fighters vow to stop repeat of Afrin | Middle East Eye


'We are not afraid of Turkey': Manbij fighters vow to stop repeat of Afrin | Middle East Eye: "They are shooting at us from time to time with heavy weapons, snipers and M16s," said Rafiq, a fighter from Manbij on the Sajur front, named after the Sajur river that divides the warring sides. "There were five to four reconnaissance planes that flew over the area the last few days," he added.

Welcome to Manbij, the latest potential flashpoint in the multi-headed Syrian war. Turkey wants rid of the MMC, which it says is one and the same as the Kurdish YPG fighting group, and says it will take Manbij after finishing its operations against the "terrorist" group in Afrin to the east.

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