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White Teenager Charged With Burning Down Black Church In Louisiana | BLAVITY


White Teenager Charged With Burning Down Black Church In Louisiana | BLAVITY: Witnesses saw the teen at St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church near a white Entergy Corp truck, and noticed smoke rising from the house of worship right after the truck drove away. They called the authorities, but by the time police and fire teams arrived, the church had been swallowed by the flames.

A cornerstone of the local black community, the church had a 100 year old building and a newer, modern sanctuary on its property. The fire affected only the newer building.

"I couldn't believe it," parishioner Mary Alexander told NBC 10 KTVE/FOX 14 KARD. "Because we was just here last night for a church meeting and you never expect things like this would happen this close by."

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Dispatch: Aboriginal Press Media Group  |   Permalink  |   [3.11.17]  |   0 comments


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